What if instead of video games that featured crime and killing…...........there were games that featured rescuing people and saving lives?
What if instead of the local news media featuring stories
about puppies, kittens or even ducks being saved…...............there were stories featuring
babies’ lives being saved from abortion?
What if instead of asking celebrities and movie stars their
opinions on politics and life issues..........….there were conferences where
missionaries, pastors and teachers were asked their opinions?
What if instead of prime time TV that featured swearing , crime and a homosexual agenda….............there
were programs that were family friendly and encouraged people to do the right
What if instead of magazine covers that have to be shielded
from young eyes...........….there were magazines that featured “real” people that had
overcome obstacles?
What if instead of books about death and killing on the ‘New
York Times’ Best Seller’s List’ ........….there were books about being a better parent
or serving others?
What if instead of parents needing to work long, overtime
hours to pay taxes.............….the tax burden was lowered and government waste was
decreased so Moms and Dads could have more family time?
What if instead of teaching students in public schools that
they are evolved pond scum...............…they were told that they are valuable, important and
they have purpose?
What if instead of being complacent and not attending church…...................the
2,154,000 evangelical/ born again Christians in the USA read their Bibles and
did what it said?
What if instead of being shocked when innocent people are
killed…................we looked around us and saw what society and the media have been feeding
the population?
~~~~~~Finally, brothers,
whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure,
whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or
praiseworthy—think about such things. ~Philippians 4:8